Institutional Racism Series: A Conclusion

While I was working on a post to conclude this series on institutional racism, I did a Google search of “institutional racism polls” (mostly to get a sense of seeing how many Americans believe in the existence of institutional racism). The first two results for this search showed commentator Ben Stein saying that there is no more institutional racism in America.

It’s ironic that the first two results for this search show Ben Stein denying the existence of institutional racism because, actually, I think that my series of posts on the subject shows the opposite. The series demonstrates that institutional racism exists, even in 2018.

This institutional racism exists in housing systems, school systems, policing institutions, and colleges. It exists in many other institutions that I did not mention in my blog series. It exists in so many places that someone could quite possibly run a whole blog on the subject of institutional racism.

So if you ever question the existence of institutional racism, or run into someone who questions or doubts the existence of institutional racism, I hope that people can look at the posts in my series and say: “Wait…institutional racism exists, in America, in the 21st century.” After all, it’s difficult to fix racism as a whole without realizing the existence of institutional racism.

Note: While this is my last post in my series on institutional racism, it’s possible (maybe likely) that I will still make some individual posts related to institutional racism.

Previous blog posts from my series on institutional racism:
“Institutional Racism Series: How it Affected Where I Live”
“Institutional Racism Series: How it Affected Where I Went to School”
“Institutional Racism Series: How it Affected How I, and Others, Were Policed”
“Institutional Racism Series: How it Affects College Experiences”

6 Replies to “Institutional Racism Series: A Conclusion”

  1. I completely agree worh you. Racism as a whole on every level still exist. Its very ridiculos and disgusting. What I dont understand is during slavery the “masters” forced slavery up opon African Americans… yet African Americans to this day still carry the religion like a pot of gold. Not saying that there is no god but… just a thought.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Racism definitely exists on every level.

      You raise an interesting point about African Americans and religion. I’ve thought about that issue too. I’ve come to the working conclusion though that while the Bible many African Americans believe in is the same Bible their enslaved ancestors believed in, the actual religious doctrine is much different from that of their ancestors’ masters. It’s so much different that honestly, it’s almost as if we’re talking about different religions (the religion of African Americans today versus the religion of their ancestors’ masters).

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Why do you think Black Americans embraced white Christianity so wholly without question? Many black ppl accept the words in the Bible as if a messenger of God wrote them. Some spend their entire lives doing defending the Bible as if we can trust the writers or translators of the Bible. I don’t say everything written in the Bible is false, but there is much between the lines that contradict and much in words to manipulate and control.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Absolutely. The bible has some good versus and puts you in the mindset but you have to ask yourself who wrote this bible? It changed from the old testament to the new testament. I read somewhere that they are looking to change it again 🙄. Also there are a large number of pastors/priest etc… that are being convicted of sexual abuse on minors yet… nvm this can get deep really quick. It’s a trapped mindset. I do believe that there is a higher power but the bible and religion itself is questionable. Ask yourself this, if religion was the soul resource to praise God, why is it divided?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Regarding both of the above comments…

        Wow, deep and interesting stuff.

        In terms of contradictions in the Bible, I have thought about and grappled with that issue before. My working thought though is that context is important. For example, the context of the Babylonian exile is much different from, say, Acts of the Apostles. Because of differing contexts, you may (and do) get things that seem contradictory but are really the results of different contexts.

        Once again, it’s only a working conclusion. As a Christian I also recognize that with the Bible, it’s a bunch of humans trying to figure out that is inspired by God. We’re human and we don’t have unlimited understanding.

        As for journie2woman’s comment on religion, I personally think that religion is divided because, like I said before, it’s a bunch of humans trying to figure out the divine. We’re all trying to figure out something that is “by faith, and not by sight.” And that creates a variety of responses, I think.

        And to address Angela’s question on why African Americans were so quick to accept white Christianity, I’m not a faith historian so I admit to being out-of-my-depth here. That being said, I assume that the white Christianity you’re talking about is not Christianity as a whole, but a particular strand of Christianity (examples: white Christianity as opposed to black or Latino Christianity)? Please correct me if I’m wrong.

        Also, feel free to let me know if I’m missing anything in my response.


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