Economic Injustice

An Argument for Free Mass Transit-May 9, 2022. This post argues for free mass transit from an environmental, criminal, and economic justice perspective.

An Alternative to the “Bootstraps” Narrative of Economic Mobility-March 28, 2022. A previous post of mine talked about the issues with the bootstraps narrative of economic mobility. Learn about an alternative to that narrative in this post.

The Classism of Doctor’s Notes in the United States-February 14, 2022. Learn about why requiring doctor’s notes for absences from school and work are classist.

The Economic (In)Accessibility of COVID Tests-January 3, 2022. This post talks about all the ways that Coronavirus tests are economically inaccessible to many. This post is also on the “Coronavirus Diary” page.

Hurricane Ida Deaths in New York City: A Microcosm of Who Climate Change Affects the Most-September 20, 2021. This post talks about why Hurricane Ida deaths in New York City, most of whom involved people who could not afford to live in anything more than basement apartments, is a microcosm of who climate change affects the most. This post is also on the “Environmental Injustice” page.

Access to Free Coronavirus Testing: An Important Issue-August 16, 2021. This post talks about the lack of, and importance of, free Coronavirus testing in some areas. This post is also on the “Coronavirus Diary” page.

Homelessness, Bathrooms, and COVID-September 28, 2020. During the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the under-the-radar issues was the number of public restrooms shut down during the virus. That has been an issue for individuals experiencing homelessness. This post is also in the section for the 2020 Coronavirus Diary.

Barriers to Evacuating From a Weather Disaster-August 31, 2020. This post talks about the different barriers that can keep someone evacuating from a weather disaster. This post is also on the pages for ableism and other injustices.

The Real Issue Exposed by the Unemployment Benefits Debate in the United States-August 10, 2020. During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, there was debate over whether unemployment benefits were too large. This post talks about a different issue related to unemployment benefits that many weren’t talking about. This post is also in the 2020 Coronavirus Diary section of the blog website.

Funding for Colleges that Promote Economic Mobility: An Economic Justice Issue-June 22, 2020. This post frames cuts in funding to colleges that promote economic mobility as an economic justice issue.

Poor Women, Wealthy Men, and the New School Sexual Assault Regulations-May 18, 2020. This post talks about how the Trump Administration guidelines on sexual assault cases at schools appeared to benefit wealthy male perpetrators the most, and harmed poor female perpetrators the most. This post is also on the women’s rights and sexual violence pages.

On the Refrain of “Don’t Go to Work if You’re Sick”-March 9, 2020. With fears due to the coronavirus in 2020, many people are advised to stay home from work. This post explains some of the reasons why people are unable to heed that advice.

On Stereotypes of Homeless People-December 16, 2019. This post addresses some of the negative stereotypes that still exist about homeless people.

Some People are So Poor, They Can’t Afford to Get Jobs-November 18, 2019. People who are poor are often judged as lazy. However, this post is a reminder that some people are so poor, they face economic barriers between themselves and jobs.

On State-Supported Gambling-October 7, 2019. Gambling is often viewed as a means of raising revenue for states and municipalities. However, this post goes into the fiscal and other problems that state-supported gambling causes, instead of solves.

On Advocates for “Economic Justice” Advertising Unpaid/Underpaid Internships-April 9, 2019. There are many organizations asking for help from unpaid interns, including entities that advocate for economic justice (while having the money to pay interns). I discuss the hypocrisy of this practice in this blog post.

On the Recent College Admissions Scandal-April 2, 2019. In March 2019, there was a scandal where wealthy parents of students paid gobs of money to a consultant who would do whatever it took for the parents’ kids to get into the colleges of their choice. I use this scandal as an opportunity to discuss all the ways, both legal and illegal, that the college admissions process in the United States favors the wealthy.

The Government Shutdown Screws Over the Poor-January 15, 2019. During the government shutdown that started in December 2018, I argued that the people hurt most by the shutdown are poor people.

America’s Failure to Support Troops…Economically-May 22, 2018. In the United States, we like to say “support our troops.” However, as I discuss in this post (especially with Memorial Day 2018 coming up), the opposite is often the case. This is demonstrated by the fact that, among other things, many in the United States military don’t earn a living wage.

Why the “Bootstraps” Narrative of Economic Mobility is Problematic-May 8, 2018. This piece discusses the problems with the narrative that people can just “pull themselves up by their bootstraps” in order to succeed economically.

Why We Should Give Tipped Workers Good Tips-April 10, 2018. This post discusses the poor wages that tipped workers receive. As a result of those wages, I argue in this piece that we should make sure that we, as consumers, give our tipped workers good tips.

Waste Disposal: Where Ableism, Economic Injustice, and Environmental Injustice Meet Up-July 18, 2017. I use this post to discuss how many municipalities give little accessibility to places that handle certain kinds of waste. This lack of accessibility is a problem of ableism, economic injustice, and environmental injustice. Please note that this piece is also in the sections for ableism and environmental injustice.

(Note that the dates listed here are original publication dates; some pieces are republished.)