Blog News: My Decision About Re-Publishing Old Posts

As many of my readers know, I made a post just a couple of weeks ago detailing my thoughts on the idea of re-publishing old blog posts.

Needless to say, I had very mixed feelings. On one hand, I viewed it as an opportunity to share some old posts with my readers, many of whom may not be familiar with my older content. On the other hand, I was worried that I would be giving the false impression that I was publishing new content when really, I wasn’t.

So, I decided to see what my readers thought.

Generally speaking, you all reacted positively to the idea of my re-publishing old blog posts. However, what I found interesting was that some of my readers made suggestions that went beyond simply re-publishing old posts. In particular, some suggested re-publishing, but with more of an eye to updating old posts to reflect how my thoughts have changed and/or how events have changed, instead of simply re-publishing old content without making changes.

So, based on feedback, what I will do is that I will re-publish old posts of mine. The re-published posts will generally fall into one of three categories: posts on matters that I think people need to be reminded of (like emotional consent), posts that have become relevant because of current events, and posts that need updating for one reason or another (changes in how I think, changes with what’s going on in the world, etc.).

As to when I re-publish old posts, I have no set schedule in mind, unlike for my regular blog posts. When I do re-publish, I will do that on Fridays; however, given my busy life, I don’t think it would be reasonable for me to have a set schedule right now beyond my Tuesday blog posts.

So, that’s pretty much it for now. Happy reading!

7 Replies to “Blog News: My Decision About Re-Publishing Old Posts”

  1. I had not seen your original post/query about this, but I think it’s a great idea. If you’re like me, you have gained many new readers in the past couple of years. Your older content will be new again to them, and this gives you an opportunity to look back through your archives and say, “I can’t believe I said that!” … or “Wow … I was spot on in my prediction!”.

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    1. Exactly! I’ve also gained many new readers the past couple of years, so older content will be new to many people in my audience. Plus, as you said, it gives me a chance to look through my archives, too.

      Liked by 1 person

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