Another Liebster Award!

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So, today I have more big news! Dear Kitty. Some blog recently nominated me for the Liebster Award!

I want to give a special thank you to Dear Kitty. Some blog for the nomination. I followed the blog originally because of its insights on civil liberties/social justice issues, but I definitely recommend this blog for animal lovers as well!

In order to accept this award, I need to:

  1. Acknowledge the blog which nominated me.
  2. Answer the 11 questions my nominator asked.
  3. Nominate 11 other bloggers.
  4. Ask them 11 questions.
  5. Let them know I have nominated them.

Simple enough, right?

Here are the questions I got, with the answers in bold:

  1. What was your first job? I worked in the dish room of my college’s dining hall.
  2. What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten? One of the priests who taught me in high school frequently said, “God is God, we’re not God, and thank God for that.” To this day, that quote helps me keep perspective.
  3. Favorite season and why? Spring! The weather gets warmer, the days get longer, the flowers blossom, and the trees bud. It’s a season of warmth, light, and life for me.
  4. Favorite TV show? I don’t really have a favorite. Most of what I watch is either news or sports, not TV shows.
  5. When did you first travel alone and where did you go? Honestly, I don’t remember.
  6. Why did you start to blog? I wanted to eliminate the blindness many of us had/have to various injustices. For more details on how I started, please read my introductory post.
  7. What did you want to be when you were a kid? A meteorologist. And funny enough, I say in my blog biography that I like to track hurricanes and snowstorms during my spare time.
  8. Would you rather travel into the future or the past? I’d rather go back to the past and hopefully avoid any mistakes I made in the past.
  9. Do you have any siblings? Yes. I have one younger brother, and I love him very dearly.
  10. Can you cook well? I never made myself sick when I cooked for myself while I was studying abroad. I guess that makes me an adequate cook.
  11. What is the next thing you plan to learn? I plan to learn more about other neighborhoods close to my home in Queens! There’s so much to explore here.

I actually enjoyed sharing parts of me that my readers didn’t know before! I will therefore keep my questions the same for my nominees.

Okay…now for the blogs I nominate! Here are the blogs, with brief descriptions of what I like about them:

  1. Invincible Woman on Wheels. Emma exposed me to disability justice issues that I was blind to…on multiple occasions. Also, if you’re a disabled person hoping to visit London landmarks, you might want to check out some of her accessibility reviews.
  2. The Life Quadriplegic. This blog also exposes me to disability issues that I was/am blind to. Also, just as a random aside, Alex and I both LOVE York, England.
  3. Body Positivity. Sharing this blog is personal for me. I have not always been happy with my (slightly overweight) body, so it is a joy to share a blog that encourages people to love their bodies for what they are.
  4. Justice Network. To continue on the theme of being personal, the first social justice issue I worked on was anti-human trafficking work. I appreciate Justice Network’s commitment to this issue.
  5. Sport in American History. This blog combines two of the things I love the most (other than Jesus): sports and history. I also appreciate how this blog often talks about the intersection of sports and contemporary issues.
  6. Called to Watch. This blog gives amazing perspective on being in a position many of us may find ourselves in one day: being a family member of someone who has chronic illnesses.
  7. A Striving Parent. As a potential future parent who hopes to raise socially-conscious kids one day, it’s very useful to have a blog for…potential future parents like me who hope to raise socially-conscious kids! Thank you, Shannon.
  8. Age Discrimination in Employment. Since anti-ageism is a major part of my advocacy (See here:, I wanted to nominate at least one anti-ageism blog. This blog is one of the best (if not the best) I’ve found on issues related to ageism (particularly in employment).
  9. The Immigration Project. The blog talks about supporting immigrants from a Christian faith perspective. I find this voice refreshing as there are (sadly) many other believers who reject whole groups of immigrants.
  10. Queerly Texan. Alyssa’s blog was one of the first I discovered, and I’m glad I discovered it! She offers insightful perspective on living with chronic illnesses. Also, she’ll have LGBTQ+-themed posts throughout the rest of June, so it’s definitely worth reading her for that too.
  11. In a Crowded Theater. With the modern-day debates on free speech issues, I think people should check out the academic perspective on this topic from Professor Goldberg!

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