Access to Clean, Safe Drinking Water: A Racial Justice Issue

An image of water. Photo by Pixabay on

When some of us (particularly those of us of means) in the United States think of places that lack access to clean drinking water, we think of certain countries on the African continent. And, it is true that parts of Africa struggle to access even the most basic of water services—nine of the ten worst countries in the world in terms of access to clean water are located on that continent.[1]

However, I am concerned that many of us may be blind to issues of water access at home, in the United States of America. Furthermore, I am concerned that many of us may be blind about how this access to water is a racial justice issue.

Sure, a major report on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, a few years ago cited systemic racism as being at the core of the problems with the crisis (Flint is a majority-Black city),[2] but the situation in Flint is only a microcosm of widespread problems when it comes to water issues and racial justice. Consider these facts:

  • 2 million Americans lack access to running water and basic indoor plumbing as of November 2019. Native Americans are 19 times more likely than their white counterparts to be without indoor plumbing, while African American and Latinx people have no indoor plumbing at almost twice the rate of white people.[3]
  • Tap water that violates legal water safety standards in the United States is 40% more likely to serve people of color.[4]
  • Rising water bills, which in turn makes it difficult for households to afford their own water, has disproportionately affected Black communities.[5]

Without meaning to belittle the importance of making sure that people in different countries all around the world have access to clean and safe drinking water, maybe we should also look at the issues with water access and safety in our own backyard, too. And we should look at these issues through a racial justice lens because it is clear that there is a connection between race and water access/safety. To that end, water access is not just a human rights issue (because every human on this planet should have the right to clean, safe, affordable drinking water), but also a racial justice issue.

While water may not get the sort of attention issues-wise that certain other elements of racial justice advocacy may be getting right now, it is no less important. After all, if we are given water that leaves us unwell in some way, then we end up unable to advocate for the other racial justice issues at hand. As such, water access and cleanliness, while not getting the attention it often deserves, should get attention in the push for racial justice, and particularly racial justice for Black and Indigenous communities.






21 Replies to “Access to Clean, Safe Drinking Water: A Racial Justice Issue”

  1. Reblogged this on Filosofa's Word and commented:
    One of the most basic human needs is … water. Without it, we die … it’s that simple. Brendan over at Blind Injustice has written a post to remind us first of the importance of potable water, and second, how water supplies around the globe, and yes even here in the U.S., are diminishing. Thanks, Brendan, for a wake-up-call post we should all be reminded of.

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  2. Hey Brendan. Great post. Access to clean and safe drinking water is also an issue in Canada. Many indigenous communities struggle and have been fighting bureaucracy for decades. Terrible. Keep up the great writing.

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    1. Faye-It’s interesting you brought this up because I came across other blog posts just this morning talking about this very topic. I see that certain Indigenous communities have been with boil water advisories for over a decade? I hope that’s a typo…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m so embarrassed and ashamed to say that it is not a typo. Its is neglect by the federal government. This has been a huge issue and so many promises made for so many years….It’s terrible.

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  3. Brendan, this is excellent. Thanks. If you have not read Steven Solomon’s excellent book “Water: the epic struggle for wealth, power and civilization,” I encourage you do so. It will give you both a history and a look forward to water issues (including drinking, sewage, farming, power and transportation). It is the best global history book I have ever read. He coined the phrase that is used by others “water is the new oil.” It is a good read and not too arcane. Keith

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